“ Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
~ Proverbs 22:6
Spiritual Formation for OUR Children
Our children's ministry is a vibrant and important part of our ministries as a church. We take seriously our responsibility to teach and train children in the faith in the hope that they will grow into faithful followers of Christ.
We have many ways for children to grow in their faith and be engage with the larger church body.
Sunday School teachers and leaders being consecrated for service in 2021.
Children's Church - A Sunday, age-appropriate class is offered for Children of all ages. The teachers are dedicated members of the church who possess a love for children and a gift for teaching. Our church uses The Jesus Storybook Bible curriculum which engages a multitude of learning styles for our children.
Children's Message (during worship) - During the Sunday morning Worship service there is time included for a children's message connected to the Scripture reading that day. Children are invited to come forward and interact with Pastor Linda (or others) in the Bible truth being shared for the week.
Acts of Love – The last Sunday of each month, during Worship, children and youth work together to do practical, hands-on acts of love to express their faith in tangible ways. In the past activities have included making cards, planting a pollinator garden, and baking brownies. Deb Andrews and Laura Cannavaro lead this time.
Vacation Bible School - Every summer, our church hosts a week long VBS for children of the church and the community. This is a great time with lessons, games, and activities for children of a multitude of ages. VBS is staffed by many responsible adults and teens who care about the children and desire to help them grow in their faith.
Christmas Pageant 2015
Christmas Pageant - Each December brings the much- anticipated Christmas pageant to our church. The children spend several weeks during Sunday school rehearsing for their big performance on a Sunday morning during church! It is a great celebration of the season, and a wonderful way for the children to learn more about what it means that God comes into our midst as a little child.
Camping - Many of the children from our church go to summer camp at Camp Squanto at Pilgrim Pines. Our church has funds to help send our kids to camp.
In addition to all of these opportunities, we also host special events that have included activities such as: Kids' Play Day, 'Drive-in' Movie Theater, Bounce off the Walls and Hikes.
For more information about any of these ministries, please do not hesitate to contact the church office.
A completed Parent Consent & Release Form for children (under 18 years) is required to participate in events off-site.
Click here to download a copy of the form.
Image Credit: Pamela Moore, iStock
Amy Julia Becker, an active member of Salem and Chair of Spiritual Formation, had her article, Your Kids Don't Need a Megachurch, published in an issue of Christianity Today. For all who are part of small churches, we pray and hope you will be encouraged by this loving piece.